Files BI1 - Inviscid vortex transport, introduction and summary by D. Caraeni (CD adapco) (pdf) (1.11 MB) BI2 - bump & BL1/BR1 - laminar and turbulent airfoil, introduction and summary by M. Galbraith (MIT, USA) (pdf) (1.57 MB) BI3 - bow shock test case, introduction and results of Embrey Riddle by J. Ekaterinaris (pdf) (1.95 MB) BL2 - laminar shock boundary layer interaction, introduction and summary by Raphaël Blanchard (Onera) (pdf) (1.7 MB) BL3 - Heaving and pitching airfoil, introduction and summary by P.-O. Persson (UCBerkeley, USA) (pdf) (2.91 MB) BS1 - Taylor Green vortex Re=1600, introduction and summary by K. Hillewaert (Cenaero) (pdf) (4.14 MB) BS2 - Channel flow Re=590, introduction and results of ISAE by J. Bodart (pdf) (2.6 MB)