BI2 - Inviscid flow over a bump
Test case leader:
Marshall Galbraith, MIT & Carl Ollivier-Gooch, University of British Columbia
galbramcmit [dot] edu (galbramc[at]mit[dot]edu)
cfogmech [dot] ubc [dot] ca (cfog[at]mech[dot]ubc[dot]ca)
infocenaero [dot] be (info[at]cenaero[dot]be)
This test case concerns the subsonic flow over a smooth Gaussian bump in a channel. This problem is aimed at testing high-order methods for the computation of internal flow with a high-order curved boundary representation. In this subsonic flow problem, the geometry is smooth, and so is the flow.
The entropy should be a constant in the flow field. The L2 norm of the entropy error is then used as the indicator of solution accuracy since the analytical solution is unknown. The convergence rate can be expected to be P+1, where P is order of the discrete polynomial approximation.
Mandatory grid convergence studies should be run on a sequence of structured meshes, which will be provided upon request. The resolution sequence will be adapted to the method. Additional computations on unstructured meshes are expected if the method permits.
Features and challenges:
Curved geometry
Steady flow
Subsonic flow
Inviscid flow
Results from previous editions:
HiOCFD1(C1.1), HiOCFD2(C1.1)