AR1 - RANS of the Common Research Model (5th AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop)
Test case leader:
Tobias Leicht (replaced currently by Ralf Hartmann), DLR
Ralf [dot] Hartmanndlr [dot] de (Ralf[dot]Hartmann[at]dlr[dot]de)
Tobias [dot] Leichtdlr [dot] de (Tobias[dot]Leicht[at]dlr[dot]de)
infocenaero [dot] be (info[at]cenaero[dot]be)
The common research model (CRM) is a wing-body configuration which was extensively studied with state-of-the-art CFD codes in the fifth drag prediction workshop (DPW-5 -
The CRM is considered under transonic cruise conditions. The flow is assumed to be steady-state and fully turbulent. Computations are to be performed in a target lift mode, i.e., given a specified lift coefficient, the corresponding angle of attack has to be determined. The objective of the simulations is to obtain mesh-converged drag and moment coefficient values as well as pressure distributions in sections along the wing span.
In previous editions of the workshop on high order CFD methods, only second order DG results have been provided, thus a higher order contribution or at least some mixed order (e.g. in the form of hp-adaptive results) is highly welcome. Meshes will be provided upon request.
Features and challenges:
Curved geometry
Steady flow
Transonic flow
Turbulent flow
Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS)
Results from previous editions: