- Home
- Test cases
- Baseline test cases
- BI1 - Inviscid vortex transport
- BI2 - Inviscid flow over a bump
- BI3 - Inviscid bow shock
- BL1 - Laminar Joukowski airfoil, Re=1000
- BL2 - Laminar shock-boundary layer interaction
- BL3 - Heaving & pitching airfoil
- BR1 - RANS of Joukowski airfoil
- BS1 - Taylor-Green vortex, Re=1600
- BS2 - LES channel flow Ret=590
- Advanced test cases
- Computional/meshing challenges
- Baseline test cases
- Guidelines
- Presentations
- Committee
- Previous
- Participants
- News
Code presentations
- Tokyo institute of Technology - Yoshiaki Abe
- University of Stuttgart - Andrea Beck
- University of Bergamo - Alessandro Colombo
- University of Michigan - Krzysztof Fidkowski
- MIT - Marshall Galbraith
- DLR - Ralf Hartmann
- Cenaero - Koen Hillewaert
- University of Michigan - Philip Johnson
- Onera - Marta de la Llave Plata
- McGill University - Farshad Navah
- University of Linköping - Jan Nordström
- University of Berkeley - Per-Olof Persson
- Imperial College - Peter Vincent
- National University of Defense technology - Yaming Chen
Baseline test cases
- BI1 - Vortex transport - Doru Caraeni (CD Adapco)
- BI2 - Smooth bump, BL1 Laminar airfoil & BR1 Turbulent airfoil - Marshall Galbraith (MIT)
- BI3 - Detached bow shock - Scott Murman (NASA) - John Ekaterinaris (Embrey-Riddle)
- BL2 - 2D laminar shock boundary layer interaction - Raphaël Blanchard (Onera)
- BL3 - Heaving and pitching airfoil - Per-Olof Persson (Berkeley) & Krzysztof Fidkowski (UMichigan)
- BS1 - Taylor-Green vortex - Koen Hillewaert (Cenaero)
Complex test cases
- C1 - DLR-F11
- National University of Defense Technology
- DLR - Ralf Hartmann
- LES of NACA wing tip - J.-E. Lombard (Imperial College)
Advanced test cases / RANS
- AR1 CRM wing body - Ralf Hartmann (DLR)
- DLR - Ralf Hartmann
- AR2 3D turbulent shock-boundary layer interaction - Vincent Couaillier (Onera)
- University of Bergamo - Alessandro Colombo
- Onera - Florent Renac, Marie-Claire Le Pape & Vincent Couaillier
- AS1 Cylinder Re=3900 - ZJ Wang (University of Kansas)
- Imperial College - Brian Vermeire
- University of Stuttgart - Andrea Beck
- Cenaero - K. Hillewaert
- AS2 T106C LPT cascade - JS Cagnone (Cenaero)
- University of Stuttgart - Andrea Beck
- Onera - Marta de la Llave Plata
Minisymposium 910
info [at] hiocfd4.cenaero.be